上行下效上行下效[shàng xíng xià xiào]1.■People follow the example of their superiors.; If a leader sets an example, it will be followed by his subordinates [his subordinates will follow suit].; The inferiors imitate the superiors.; Those below follow the example of those above.; Those in subordinate positions will follow the example set by their superiors.
- 一是一二是二
- 一次空气 primary air;
- 一水接天, 风帆隐隐
- 一维概率分布 one-dimensional probability distribution;
- 七叶素
- 七月猎犬 July hound;
- 万公尺
- 万古
- 万向节衬圈 universal-joint knuckle retainer;
- 万能剪冲床 universal shearing and punching machine;
- 三七开
- 三叶草绿 shamrock;
- 三射分枝物 triradiate
- 三尖瓣狭窄 tricuspid stenosis;
- 三点着陆 {航空} three-point landing
- 三相感应电动机 three-phase asynchronous motor; three-phase induction motor;
- 三维显示阴极射线管 peritron;
- 三维流动 three-dimensional flow; flow in three dimensions;
- 三维点阵 three-dimensional lattices;
- 三维系统 three dimension system;
- 三角三四面体 triakistetrahedron;