上焦上焦[shàng jiāo]1.■{中医} upper-jiao; upper warmer; upper heater
常用词组1.■上焦病症 syndrome of the upper -jiao;2.■上焦气化失司 upper - jiao qi dysfunction;3.■上焦如雾 the upper - jiao resembling a sprayer;4.■上焦主纳 The upper-jiao is in charge of receiving
- 一概其余
- 一次交货量 {经} consignment;
- 一维晶体 one-dimensional crystal;
- 一读
- 一跃而过
- 七尺之躯
- 万能调整器 universal compressor;
- 三垒手
- 三岁羊 thrinter
- 三度运动 three-dimensional motion;
- 三月
- 三次方程(式) cubic equation;
- 三次风 {机} tertiary air;
- 三相全控桥式整流器 three-phase controlled bridge rectifier;
- 三端开关器件 trigistor; dynaquad;
- 三维
- 三肽
- 三臂联胎 tribrachius
- 三芯同轴电缆 triple-concentric cable
- 三见六面
- 三角测量导航法 navigation by triangulation;