上去上去[shang qu]1.■(用在动词后, 表示由低到高, 或由近及远, 或由主体向对象):爬上去climb up;把大车推上去push the cart up;把国民经济搞上去push the national economy forward;看见排长回来了, 大家赶忙迎上去。Seeing the platoon leader returning, everybody rushed up to meet him.另见 shàng qu。
上去上去[shang qu]1.■(用在动词后, 表示由低到高, 或由近及远, 或由主体向对象):爬上去climb up;把大车推上去push the cart up;把国民经济搞上去push the national economy forward;看见排长回来了, 大家赶忙迎上去。Seeing the platoon leader returning, everybody rushed up to meet him.另见 shàng qu。
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