上升上升[shàng shēng]1.■rise; go up; ascend:气温上升。The temperature is going up.他的成绩上升到全班第一名。He has climbed to the head of his class.我们的生产稳步上升。Our production goes steadily up.这个行动制止了英镑的下跌, 但是未能使比价有很大上升。The move stopped the pound's decline but failed to bring about a significant rally.
常用词组1.■上升岸 rising coast;2.■上升岸线 {地质} emerged shoreline; negative shoreline; shoreline of emergence;3.■上升边 rising edge; leading edge; entering edge;4.■上升滨线 shoreline of elevation;5.■上升弹道 ascent trajectory;6.■上升点 rising point;7.■上升动作 vertical motion;8.■上升断块 lift faulting;9.■上升风 updraught; upwind; upwash;10.■上升功率 ascending power;11.■上升管 tedge;12.■上升海岸 elevated coast;13.■上升花序 ascending inflorescence;14.■上升记录 uptrace;15.■上升角 {航空} angle of climb;16.■上升力 climbing power;17.■上升流 upwelling; upcurrent; upflow; upwash;18.■上升螺旋桨 lifting airscrew;19.■上升盘 {地} upthrown block;20.■上升平原 uplifted plain;21.■上升气流 anaflow; up-ward current; upflow; ascending air; up currnet;22.■上升泉 rising water;23.■上升三角洲 elevated delta;24.■上升失速 {航空} advance stall;25.■上升时间 {控} rise time;26.■上升时间常数 rise-time constant;27.■上升时间畸变 rise-time distortion;28.■上升时间校正 rise-time correction;29.■上升时间跳动 rise-time jitter;30.■上升瞬变 building-up transient;31.■上升瞬态 rising transient;32.■上升顺序 ascending;33.■上升速度 rate of climb; rate of upward gradient; ascensional velocity;34.■上升速度表 rate-of-climb meter;35.■上升速度指示器 vertical speed indicator;36.■上升算法 ascent algorithm;37.■上升算子 step-up operator; up-ladder;38.■上升通风 ascensional ventilation;39.■上升推进 ascent propulsion;40.■上升推进系统 ascent propulsion system;41.■上升下降延迟 rise-fall delay;42.■上升斜率 rate of rise;43.■上升斜坡 acclivity;44.■上升旋转选线器 step-by-step selector switch;45.■上升运动 ascending motion;46.■上升支 ascending branch (光变曲线);47.■上升轴 elevating shaft;48.■上升转弯 {航空} pull-up turn;49.■上升状态 propradation
- 一手炮制
- 一朝
- 一步一鬼
- 一致装置 consistent unit;
- 一页信笺 letterform
- 丁字形螺栓 T-slot bolt;
- 丁省
- 七叶树
- 万事大吉, 天下太平
- 万能式干燥机 universal drier;
- 三层结构逻辑电路 three layer construction logic circuit
- 三相半波整流电路 three-phase half wave rectifier circuit;
- 三等分角 {数} trisection of an angle;
- 三维
- 三维大地测量学 three dimensional geodesy;
- 三色视觉 trichromatic vision;
- 三行铆接 treble riveting
- 三裂叶漆树(荚莲) squawbush;
- 三角形多元天线 multiwire-triatic antenna;
- 三角-曲折形接法 delta-zigzag connection;
- 三角架