上刀山下火海上刀山下火海[shàng dāo shān xià huǒ hǎi]1.■climb a mountain of swords or plunge into a sea of flames; undergo the most severe trials
- 一人做事一人当
- 一山一石
- 一次指令 once command;
- 一次电池 one-shot battery; galvanic cell; primary cell;
- 一致电路 coincidence circuit;
- 一般安全 generally recognized as safe;
- 一语道破
- 一边倒比赛 {体} onesided affair; one-sided game
- 万丈高楼平地起
- 万向虎钳 {工} toolmaker's vise; universal vise;
- 万家生佛
- 三倍频率 treble frequency;
- 三分贝混合接头 three dB hybrid;
- 三声速
- 三射分枝物 triradiate
- 三棱刀 three-square tool;
- 三民主义
- 三灾八难,五痨七伤
- 三相交流感应电动机 three-phase alternating-current induction motor;
- 三硫化物 trisulfide;
- 三维动态频谱分析仪 three-dimensional dynamic spectrum analyzer;