上书上书[shàng shū]1.■submit a written statement to a higher authority; send in a memorial
- 一次总付办法 lump-sum basis
- 一致最佳检验 uniformly most powerful test
- 一起一伏
- 一连
- 丁字形汽管接头 steam pipe “T” connection;
- 七价物 heptad;
- 七窍流血
- 万字细工
- 万能式装载机 all-purpose loader;
- 万隆会议 the Bandung Conference;
- 三合一混合精饮料 trinity mixture
- 三次调谐 third harmonic tuning;
- 三相四线制 three-phase four-wire system;
- 三线中继线 three-wire trunk;
- 三角不等式 {数} triangle inequality;
- 三角形枪显像管 {电子} delta-gun tube;
- 三角束 olivospinal tract; tractus triangularis;
- 三重奏 {音} (instrumental) trio;
- 三重积 triple product;
- 上升旋转选线器 step-by-step selector switch;
- 上浆机 dresser; starching machine;