上下限上下限[shàng xià xiàn]1.■bound
- 一味盲干
- 一家三代
- 一般力学 general mechanics;
- 一零儿
- 万用表
- 万能摇臂钻床 universal radial drill;
- 万能磨床 universal grinding machine;
- 三元混合物 ternary mixture;
- 三叉苦
- 三层包线 triple covered wire;
- 三角(山)嘴 facetted spur
- 三角形接线 delta connection;
- 三角杠杆 culdy;
- 三轮手推车 buggy;
- 三面图
- 上下文无关语言 context-free language;
- 上下配穴 {中医} coordination of the acupoints of the upper with those of the lower, superior-inferior point association;
- 上升滨线 shoreline of elevation;
- 上诉理由 grounds of appeal;
- 上颚板 acia;
- 下厂下乡