一事无成一事无成[yī shì wú chéng]1.■without a single success; achieve [accomplish] nothing; all to no purpose; be [get] nowhere; find oneself a complete failure in life; nothing accomplished; never accomplish anything; without achieving any result
- 一撮
- 一次总付办法 lump-sum basis
- 一等
- 一线生机
- 一花独放
- 一览无遗
- 一觉醒来
- 万水千山
- 丈量吨 ton measurement;
- 三叶草碾种机 {农} clover huller;
- 三尖瓣前尖 cuspis anterior valvulae tricuspidalis; cuspis ventralis;
- 三日热
- 三点估计 three time estimates;
- 三班制 three-shift system
- 三端线路 three-terminal line;
- 三维天线阵 three-dimensional array;
- 三色
- 三角嵴 triangular ridge;
- 三角支架 A-frame;
- 三进制存储单元 ternary cell;
- 三进制逻辑元件 ternary logic element;