三跪九叩三跪九叩[sān guì jiǔ kòu]1.■thrice kneeling and nine times bowing; prostrating oneself three times, and knocking one's head on the ground thrice at each prostration
- 《创世纪》 Genesis (《旧约全书》第一卷);
- 一矢之地
- 一系列柱子 pillaring
- 一维空间 one-dimensional space;
- 一至于此
- 一见高低
- 丁槽活塞
- 丁香树脂醇 syringaresinol;
- 丁香苷 syringin;
- 七折八扣
- 万事大吉, 天下太平
- 三层
- 三栏税则
- 三点弯曲 {冶} three-point bending;
- 三点西文活字 minnikin;
- 三相短路 three-phase shortcircuit;
- 三维全息术 three-dimensional holography;
- 三色叠加镜 photochromoscope;
- 三裂星云 Trifid Nebula;
- 三角帆张帆索 jib-halyard;
- 三角座体 cam jacket;