(in Chinese grammar) adverbial word, any of a class of words that are used mainly to modify a verb or an adjective
- 一木难支
- 一群牲口 a string;
- 一致性
- 一般量 general quantity;
- 一马平川
- 七巧壶
- 万人空巷
- 万能式
- 三叉体
- 三叉苦
- 三反运动
- 三星体 triaster;
- 三极断路器 three-pole breaker;
- 三相全波接法 three-phase full wave connection;
- 三相全波整流器 three-phase full wave rectifier;
- 三相感应电动机 three-phase asynchronous motor; three-phase induction motor;
- 三硫代碳酸盐[脂] trithiocarbonate;
- 三色现象 trichroism; trichromatism;
- 三裂叶漆树(荚莲) squawbush;
- 三角洲
- 三轴稳定自动驾驶仪 three-axis gyropilot;