一世之雄一世之雄[yī shì zhī xióng]1.■a hero of the age; champion of his generation; the outstanding person of the age
- 一定
- 一干到底
- 一次多倍体 primary polyploid;
- 一次走刀 one-pass;
- 一步不让
- 一瓶不响, 半瓶叮当
- 一蟹不如一蟹
- 三元羧酸 tricarboxylic acid;
- 三刃钉
- 三尖瓣隔侧尖 cuspis medialis valvulae tricuspidalis;
- 三相电压 three-phase voltage;
- 三维声纳 three-dimensional sonar;
- 三胺
- 三角布绷带 cravat;
- 三角座体 cam jacket;
- 上凸
- 上升斜坡 acclivity;
- 上吊
- 上浆率 percentage size pickup;
- 上级党委 Party committee of the higher level;
- 上缴国家利润