三生有幸三生有幸[sān shēng yǒu xìng]1.■be the most supreme; a stroke of luck; happiness of one's three existences; luck for three incarnations; the good fortune of three lives; thrice blessed:你若能为我僧院除了这条祸根, 正是三生有幸了!If you can rid our monastery of this scourge, that would be a great happiness for us!
- 一次电波 {讯} primary wave;
- 一次线 {电工} primary line;
- 一片婆心
- 万千
- 万能木工机 universal woodworking machine;
- 万能钻床 full universal drill
- 万隆
- 三个臭皮匠,合成一个诸葛亮
- 三晶现象 {化} trimorphism;
- 三棱柱 {数} triangular prism;
- 三氯硝基甲烷 trichloronitromethane; chloropicrin;
- 三点荧光组 triad;
- 三相电度表 three-phase watt-hour meter;
- 三硫化物 trisulfide;
- 三端启动器 three-point starter;
- 三色
- 三角座针门 cambox door
- 三角骨 os triquetrum; triangular bone; triquetral bone; ulmare; pyramidale;
- 三轴稳定 three-axis stabilization;
- 三重割线 trisecant;
- 三重数积 triple scalar product;