䒢䒢[áng]名1.■[书] (菖蒲的别名) an ancient name for calamus
- treatment involving the use of tonics to restore the patient's health
- 一份
- 一斤
- 一梁二柱棚子
- 一群
- 一见如故
- 一连串炸弹 train
- 丁字形钢轨 Vignole's rail;
- 七分之一
- 万夫之勇
- 万方多难
- 万隆会议 the Bandung Conference;
- 三从四德
- 三分绕组 {电工} triplex winding
- 三叠系 {地} Triassic system; Trias
- 三尖瓣后尖 cuspis dorsalis; cuspis posterior valvulae tricuspidalis;
- 三线系留 {航空} three-wire mooring;
- 三色测光 three-colour photometry;
- 三裂豚草 great ragweed;
- 三角叶杨 alamo; yellow cottonwood; cottonwood;
- 三角测量网 triangulation net;