三彩三彩[sān cǎi]1.■{考古} three-colour glazed pottery:唐三彩three-colour glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty
- 一堆乱物 rabble;
- 一致度量 uniform metric;
- 一边
- 万向节中心球销 universal-joint centre ball pin;
- 万能式轧机 universal mill;
- 万能补偿器 universal compensator;
- 三位一体 (基督教) the Trinity; (三者联为一体) trinity; three forming an organic whole; three in one;
- 三叶参
- 三向三通弯接头 side outlet elbow [bend];
- 三尖牙 trigonodont; tricuspid teeth;
- 三度存储器 three-dimensional memory; 3D memory;
- 三月干风 [法] hale demars;
- 三相全控桥式整流器 three-phase controlled bridge rectifier;
- 三联症 triad; trilogy
- 三胎
- 三行睫 tristichiasis;
- 三角港 estuary; firth; frith;
- 三角肌
- 三进展开
- 三重符合开关 triple-coincidence switch
- 三项递归 three term recurrence;