三军司令三军司令[sān jūn sī lìng]1.■commander of the three services; commander in chief of the three services
- 一手之宽
- 一无
- 一次使用导弹 {军} expendable missile; one shot missile;
- 一片喧腾
- 一物多感
- 丁字管 tee pipe;
- 七叶树子(棕) horse chestnut
- 万向节压力润滑器 universal-joint pressure lubricator;
- 万向转台 universal angle plate
- 万国博览会
- 丈八灯台, 照远不照近
- 三向结构 three-dimensional structure;
- 三尖瓣后尖 cuspis dorsalis; cuspis posterior valvulae tricuspidalis;
- 三层彩色片 tripack;
- 三岔脉
- 三态总线 tristate bus line
- 三枪荫罩彩色摄像管 three-gun shadow-mask colour kinescope
- 三步一岗,五步一哨
- 三线双交换 three strands double crossing-over;
- 三维计算 three-dimensional calculation;
- 三维运动 three-dimensional motion;