丈二和尚摸不着头脑丈二和尚[金刚]摸不着头脑[zhàng èr hé shang mō bù zháo tóu nǎo]1.■unable to make head or tail of ...; be all at sea; be completely at a loss; be quite puzzled; be in the dark; puzzled; so confused that one hardly knows whether he is standing on his head or hells; You can't touch the head of the ten-foot monk -- you can't make head or tail of it.:我刚来, 真是丈二和尚摸不着头脑!Being new here, I'm very much in the dark myself!
- 一榻横陈
- 一百米赛跑
- 一缰四马
- 一词多义
- 丁省甲酰胺 naphthacene carboxamide
- 万向轴
- 万幸
- 万死一生
- 万能剪冲床 universal shearing and punching machine;
- 三九严寒
- 三尖瓣杂音 tricuspid murmur
- 三心椭圆(仿椭圆)pseudo-ellipse;
- 三星体 triaster;
- 三氯氢硅氢还原法 {半} hydrogen reduction of trichlorosilane;
- 三点曲线图 {航海} circle sheet;
- 三级串联捻胶机 triple tandem strander;
- 三色性 trichroism;
- 三行区十进制数 zoned decimal
- 三角对称线 triangular symmetric curve;
- 三角形速度分布 triangular velocity distribution;
- 三角贸易 triangular trade;