万象回春万象回春[wàn xiàng huí chūn]1.■All manifestations of nature return (with) spring.
- 一元命题
- 一方水土养一方人
- 一束
- 一片火海
- 一级溶酶体 primary lysosome;
- 一般朋友 acquaintance;
- 一般过滤问题 general filtering problem;
- 七弦琴
- 万隆会议 the Bandung Conference;
- 三十六计,走为上计
- 三层二极管 {电子} three-layer diode;
- 三点钟 three;
- 三级定址 three-level addressing; third-level address;
- 三色点状荧光屏 trichromatic dot phosphor screen;
- 三角叶杨 alamo; yellow cottonwood; cottonwood;
- 三角堰 triangular-notch weir; V-notch weir;
- 三角方程 {工} trigonometric equation; angle equation;
- 三角视差 trigonometric parallax;
- 三角面 {地质} triangular facet;
- 三辊校直机 three-roll unbender;
- 上半面