“质量信得过”产品“质量信得过”产品[zhì liàng xìn de guò chǎn pǐn]1.■products (which) were awarded the title of Trustworthy Quality
- 一日官司十日打
- 一致算法 unification algorism;
- 一身
- 丁坝
- 丁字头螺栓 tee-head bolt
- 丁苯硫脲 thiambutosin;
- 万能调整器 universal compressor;
- 三倍倍压器 voltage tripler;
- 三元碳酸盐 triple carbonate;
- 三刺激
- 三头连接
- 三次对称轴 axis of trigonal symmetry;
- 三灾八难,五痨七伤
- 三相 E 形铁心 three-phase E-core;
- 三相六线制 three-phase six-wire system;
- 三级管 audion;
- 三结合
- 三芯导线 three-core conductor;
- 三裂星云 Trifid Nebula;
- 三角尖锉 knife gin saw file;
- 三角形绕组 delta winding;