万宝全书万宝全书[wàn bǎo quán shū]1.■(指人) person who knows everything; a master of everything; be a universal genius
- 一味撒谎
- 一灯如豆
- 一盘凝乳 a junket;
- 一系列柱子 pillaring
- 一级相变 first order phase change; first-order transition;
- 一致熔融 congruent melting;
- 一般等价形式 universal equivalent form;
- 一镑
- 一鼓可得
- 七十二候
- 七十二行
- 七日风
- 万能铲齿车床 universal relieving lathe;
- 三刺激值 tristimulus values
- 三层二极管 {电子} three-layer diode;
- 三方硫砷银矿 trechmannite;
- 三次曲面 cubic surface;
- 三点线素坐标 trilinear line coordinates;
- 三点联[连]接 three-point attachment; three-point bond;
- 三相六线制 three-phase six-wire system;
- 三足