万古不变万古不变[wàn gǔ bú biàn]1.■eternal and immutable [unchangeable]; neverchanging; the same for all the times
- 一做就错
- 一步一个脚印儿
- 一步登天
- 一盘电缆 hank of cable;
- 一窝
- 一组模制件 mold;
- 一见高低
- 一身两役
- 万能手术台附件 accessories of universal operation table;
- 万能轧制 universal rolling;
- 万能辅助探照灯 universal supplementary search light;
- 万里迢迢
- 三列睫 tristichiasis;
- 三方晶系 trigonal system;
- 三能级系统 three-level system
- 三角(山)嘴 facetted spur
- 三角形解法 solution of a triangle; triangle computations; solution by a triangle;
- 三角比 trigonometric ratio;
- 三进制代码 ternary code;
- 三通道放大器 three-path amplifier; three-channel amplifier
- 三重态