万众一心万众一心[wàn zhòng yì xīn]1.■million people united as one man; All have one heart.; all of one heart; All united in one purpose.; unite as one; with one heart and one mind
- 一如
- 一朝被蛇咬, 三年怕井绳
- 一类
- 一网打尽
- 一脚长
- 一致空间 {数} uniform space;
- 一般过滤问题 general filtering problem;
- 丁字焊 tee welding;
- 丁零
- 七零八落
- 万机
- 三星凸轮 cloverleaf cam
- 三点钟 three;
- 三相半波整流器 three-phase half wave rectifier;
- 三相点 three-phase; triplepoint;
- 三硫化二砷 orpiment; auripigmentum; {无化} arsenic trisulfide;
- 三维全息术 three-dimensional holography;
- 三维分类法 three-dimensional classification;
- 三行式铆接 triple-rivet
- 三裂星云 Trifid Nebula;
- 三角沙坝 {地质} cuspate bar