丁丁[dīng] 名1.■ (成年男子) man:成丁reach manhood;壮丁able-bodied man2.■ (人口) member of a family; population:丁口population;添丁have a baby born into the family3.■ (从事某些职业的人) a person engaged in a certain occupation:园丁gardener4.■ (天干的第四位) the fourth of the Ten Heavenly Stems5.■ (蔬菜、肉类等切成的小块) small cubes of meat or vegetable; cubes:黄瓜丁diced cucumber;辣子肉丁diced pork with hot pepper6.■ (姓氏) a surname:丁玲Ding Ling 数1.■(第四) fourth:丁等the fourth grade; grade D;丁种维生素vitamin D 动1.■[书] (遭遇; 碰到) meet with; run into; encounter; experience:丁忧encounter one's mother's death另见 zhēng。
- 一晃
- 一步法电影 instant movie system;
- 一笑了之
- 一薄层
- 一行百效
- 一身臭名
- 万能铲床 universal slotting machine;
- 三向弯管 three-way pipe;
- 三宅岩
- 三层抹灰 render float and set;
- 三曲翼面
- 三棱
- 三次对称轴 axis of trigonal symmetry;
- 三次挠线 twisted cubic;
- 三相发电机 three-phase generator; three-wire generator;
- 三类物资贸易中心 trade-centre for third-category commodities
- 三臂联胎 tribrachius
- 三色堇紫红 pansy purple
- 三角浪 {海} choppy sea; sugarloaf sea;
- 三重复视 triplopia;
- 三顾茅庐