一面之词一面之词[yī miàn zhī cí]1.■the statement of only one of the parties; an account given by one party only; a one-sided statement; one party's version of an event; one side of the matter [case]; onesided statement; one-sided story
- 一次矩 first moment;
- 一笑顿释
- 一级方法 one-level method;
- 一群鳗鱼 swarm;
- 丁字形辐 T-headed spoke;
- 万般无奈
- 三位编码 tri-bit encoding;
- 三元关系 ternary relation;
- 三元图解 {岩} ternary diagram;
- 三分吃药,七分靠养
- 三分贝定向耦合器 three dB directional coupler;
- 三十年河东, 三十年河西
- 三原色系数 {物} trichromatic coefficient;
- 三层版 tripack;
- 三弦
- 三次方程(式) cubic equation;
- 三氯化铝 alchlor;
- 三维区 space;
- 三维模拟计算装置 three-dimensional analog computer;
- 三脚架
- 三裂漆树 skunkbush;