一蹶不振一蹶不振[yī jué bú zhèn]1.■unable to get up after a fall; be finished for good; be lost without resources; collapse after one setback; fall, never to rise again; never to be able to recover after a setback; never to recover from a setback; unable to recover after the comedown
- 《高级农业生产合作社示范章程》 (1956) Model Regulations for an Advanced Agricultural Producers' Cooperative;
- 一令
- 一般劳动过程 general labor process;
- 一般轻型歼击机 common light fighter;
- 一龙一蛇
- 丁醇
- 七分之一
- 七倍性
- 七十二变
- 万
- 三位一体 (基督教) the Trinity; (三者联为一体) trinity; three forming an organic whole; three in one;
- 三列
- 三尺之冰非一日之寒
- 三层钢 compound steel;
- 三态总线 tristate bus line
- 三极
- 三氯化磷 phosphorus trichloride;
- 三相半波整流器 three-phase half wave rectifier;
- 三相电压 three-phase voltage;
- 三缄其口
- 三角剖分问题 {数} triangulation problem;