一路平安一路平安[yī lù píng ān]1.■May you be safe throughout the journey; God-speed; Have a pleasant journey; Have a pleasant [good] trip; I wish you a safe journey.
- “入” 态
- 一丝不错
- 一匡天下
- 一目减算符
- 一笑而去
- 一级公式 one-level formula;
- 一辈子
- 一隅之地
- 丁字镐 pickax; T-shaped pick;
- 丁字轨 vignole's rail;
- 万箭齐发
- 三分之二
- 三分之二规则 two-thirds rule
- 三刺激值 tristimulus values
- 三废
- 三氯化钛 {无化} titanium trichloride; titanous chloride;
- 三相交流感应电动机 three-phase alternating-current induction motor;
- 三维代数簇 three-dimensional algebraic varieties;
- 三行区十进数 unpacked decimal;
- 三角套汇 three-point arbitrage in foreign exchange;
- 三角架