一言不发一言不发[yī yán bù fā]1.■not to utter a single word; be as silent as the grave; become almost as silent as a post; button up one's mouth; control one's tongue; have nothing to say for oneself; keep one's mouth shut; keep silent and say nothing; not to breathe a word (of); not to drop a word (of); not to say a word (about); say nothing
- 一个劲儿
- 一报还一报
- 一朝情义淡, 样样不顺眼
- 一朵鲜花做不成花环
- 一次冷凝器 primary condenser;
- 一派大好
- 一级代码 {自} one-level code;
- 一致估计 consistent estimator;
- 一般型曲面 surface of general type;
- 一般疗法 general treatment;
- 一色
- 丁吡胶乳
- 丁奚疳
- 万人空巷
- 万能投影仪 universal projector;
- 万能汽车 all-service vehicle;
- 万能规 universal gauge;
- 三向系板 three-way strap;
- 三层刺网 trammel net; coracle net;
- 三层法 three-layer process;
- 三托梁