a kind of classical poetry consisting chiefly of seven-character lines interspersed with shorter or longer ones
- 一力
- 一生受用
- 一腔无明
- 一致度量 uniform metric;
- 一逆
- 万
- 万事俱休
- 万箭齐发
- 三元关系 ternary relation;
- 三坐标扫描天线 three-dimensional scanning antenna
- 三尖瓣病 tricuspid disease;
- 三层法 three-layer process;
- 三枝形
- 三氯丙烷 trichloropropane;
- 三氯化醛 acotochloral;
- 三焦经 tri-jiao channel
- 三级记录 three-level recording;
- 三角-曲折形接线 delta-zigzag connection;
- 三轴强度 triaxial strength;
- 三髁骨折
- 上