一见钟情一见钟情[yī jiàn zhōng qíng]1.■fall in love at first sight; fall in love with sb. the first time one sets one's eyes on sb.:汤姆在一次聚会上遇到玛丽, 两人一见钟情。Tom met Mary at a party, and they fell in love at first sight.
- 一次
- 一满盘
- 一端
- 一贯煎
- 一顺儿
- 万古长存
- 万缕千丝
- 万能汽车 all-service vehicle;
- 三体道 {物} three-body channel;
- 三氯硝基甲烷 trichloronitromethane; chloropicrin;
- 三点联[连]接 three-point attachment; three-point bond;
- 三班
- 三硫化四磷 {无化} phosphorous sesquisulfide; tetraphosphorus trisulfide;
- 三级地址 third-level address;
- 三线态 triplet state;
- 三裂星云 Trifid Nebula;
- 三角图 axonometric projection;
- 三角区 trigonum (pl. trigona); septa;
- 三角嵴 triangular ridge;
- 三角形反常 triangle anomaly;
- 三角形楣饰 fronton;