“共产风”“共产风”[gòng chǎn fēng]1.■“communist wind” characterized by extreme equalitarianism and the indiscriminate; unpaid-for transfer of resources from one collective to another or from one level of ownership to another; practice of equalitarianism in the name of communism; “sharing of all property”; encouraging a premature advance to communism; “communist wind” was stirred up in the countryside (in the late 1950's), where equalitarianism prevailed and manpower and material resources were transferred arbitrarily in disregard of the collectives to which they belonged; appropriation of private and collectively-owned property without compensation
- 《创世纪》 Genesis (《旧约全书》第一卷);
- 一揽子投资 package investment
- 一滩
- 一犬吠影, 百犬吠声
- 一的补码电路 one's complement circuit
- 一碟
- 一窥全豹
- 一般产品 generic product; mine-run;
- 一路保重
- 万箭攒心
- 丈量工作 surveying;
- 三个月
- 三元组 triple
- 三尖牙 trigonodont; tricuspid teeth;
- 三度投影 trimetric projection;
- 三氯甲烷 {化} chloroform; trichloromethane;
- 三维模拟计算机 three-dimensional analog computer;
- 三角板 triangle; deltidium; set-square;
- 三通旋塞 three-way cock
- 三重同型态 isotrimorphism;
- 上升时间校正 rise-time correction;