一般公债利息 interest on the general government debt;
- “灵活陷阱” “liquidity trap”;
- “是非” 决策 yes-no decision;
- 一截
- 一次压制法 single-press process;
- 一级子程序 one-level subroutine; first order subroutine;
- 七七事变
- 三体问题 problem of three bodies; three-body problem;
- 三方锥 trigonal pyramid
- 三空位
- 三级结构 {生化} tertiary structure;
- 三线电绳 three-way cord;
- 三维形态 three-dimensional configuration;
- 三维测井 three-dimensional velocity logging;
- 三色彩屏 screen;
- 三裂(木防已)碱 trilobine;
- 三角套汇 three-point arbitrage in foreign exchange;
- 三角形槽 vee gutter;
- 三角鲂 {动} triangular bream;
- 三轴控制系统 three-axis control system;
- 三进制加法 ternary addition;
- 三重峰 triplet;