一粥一饭, 当思来之不易
一粥一饭, 当思来之不易一粥一饭, 当思来之不易[yī zhōu yí fàn dāng sī lái zhī bú yì]1.■In taking a mouthful of congee or rice you should bear in mind that its production is not easy.
- 一亲芳泽
- 一点法
- 一眼便知
- 一见高低
- 一走了之
- 一阶保持器 first-order holder;
- 万物丛生
- 万物之灵
- 三价碱 triacidic base;
- 三元化合物半导体 ternary semiconductor
- 三层筛 triple-deck screen;
- 三拳两脚
- 三次对称轴线 three-fold symmetry axis;
- 三次采油 tertiary oil recovery;
- 三点测交 three-point test cross;
- 三角形分布 triangular distribution;
- 三轨制 tripartite system; {电工} third-rail system
- 三轴试验 triaxial test;
- 上任
- 上变频
- 上班时间 work hours; office hours