一笔勾销一笔勾销[yī bǐ gōu xiāo]1.■cancel once for all; all canceled; abolish at one stroke; all that's past and done with; be blasted at one stroke; cancel by a stroke of pen; clean [wipe off] the slate; invalidate by crossing off [blotting out]; line through; pass a wet sponge over; negate totally and indiscreetly; scratch off [cancel] the account; wipe out; write off at [in] one stroke; write off once and for all:前账一笔勾销cancel all debts;我们的旧账可以一笔勾销!It's time we wrote off all our old scores!
- “生产到顶” “ production has reached its limit”;
- 一字千钧
- 一招鲜, 吃遍天
- 一系列槽沟 troughing;
- 一级结果 first-level outcome;
- 一致
- 一隅之见
- 丁省甲酰胺 naphthacene carboxamide
- 万恶淫为首
- 万籁
- 万试万灵
- 万里长城
- 三叶胶
- 三向压力 triaxial pressure;
- 三岁鲇鹿 sorel;
- 三波过程 three-wave process
- 三相交流感应电动机 three-phase alternating-current induction motor;
- 三相磁放大器 three-phase magnetic amplifier;
- 三级膨胀式蒸汽机 {工} triple-expansion engine;
- 三能级激光材料 three-level laser material;
- 三角帆张帆索 jib-halyard;