一盘散沙一盘散沙[yī pán sǎn shā]1.■lacking spirit of cooperation; a heap of loose sand; a sheet [tray] of loose sand; disunited; in a state of disunity; utterly lacking cohesion
- 一口吃不成胖子
- 一条龙服务 conglomarative service; coordinated service; coordinated-process service
- 一般利率 normal interest rate;
- 一言兴邦
- 丁坝
- 七七事变
- 万变不离其宗
- 万向球绞螺杆 ball-jointed screw;
- 万向节中心球销 universal-joint centre ball pin;
- 三亲六眷
- 三合一
- 三层包线 triple covered wire;
- 三征七辟
- 三方锥 trigonal pyramid
- 三相感应电动机 three-phase asynchronous motor; three-phase induction motor;
- 三相激励 three-phase excitation;
- 三硫代碳酸盐[脂] trithiocarbonate;
- 三维形态 three-dimensional configuration;
- 三维电视 three-dimensional television;
- 三维表示 three-dimensional representation;
- 三角形蜡孔 tricerores;