一片荒郊一片荒郊[yī piàn huāng jiāo]1.■a vast expanse of wasteland; a wild and deserted wilderness
- 一小片
- 一枝黄花
- 一项
- 七价
- 七绝
- 三叶草碾种机 {农} clover huller;
- 三氯化硼 boron chloride; {无化} boron trichloride;
- 三组分 three-component;
- 三维分类法 three-dimensional classification;
- 三联苯 terphenyl;
- 三角肌
- 三角骨 os triquetrum; triangular bone; triquetral bone; ulmare; pyramidale;
- 三轴向压力试验 triaxial compression test;
- 三辊万能式轧机 three-high universal mill;
- 三重内积 triple scalar product;
- 上举断距 upthrow
- 上升海岸 elevated coast;
- 上瓣
- 上等皮革 {皮} crown leather; Helvetia leather;
- 上诉权 right of appeal;
- 上超针闸刀 above upthrow cam