一片茫茫一片茫茫[yī piàn máng máng]1.■Far and wide there is nothing to be seen but the white, empty landscape.
- 一雅一俗
- 七窍流血
- 万物簇生
- 万能测角仪 {工} pantometer;
- 丈量员 surveyor
- 三亲六眷
- 三六九等
- 三原型
- 三向应力 three-dimensional stress;
- 三尖
- 三尖瓣后尖 cuspis dorsalis; cuspis posterior valvulae tricuspidalis;
- 三点悬挂式机具 three-point-mounted machine;
- 三相电动机 three-phase motor;
- 三管式摄像机 three-tube camera
- 三维天线阵 three-dimensional array;
- 三维空间 three-dimensional space;
- 三者结合
- 三胎妊娠 triplet pregnancy
- 三角叶杨 alamo; yellow cottonwood; cottonwood;
- 三角排列图 cam chart;
- 三角茶几 teapoy; tepoy;