一溜烟儿一溜烟儿[yī liù yānr]1.■flee like a breath of vapour; (slink) away and disappear; dash off like a streak of vapour; flit like a wreath of vapour; swiftly; vanishing like a wisp of vapour:小男孩一溜烟儿跑了。The boy ran away swiftly.
- 一把钥匙开一把锁
- 一点控制极
- 一龙九种, 种种各别
- 万事亨通
- 万古长青
- 万能刮刀 universal scraper;
- 万能受血者 universal recipient;
- 三位电键 three-position key;
- 三列
- 三坐标雷达功率程序 3-D radar power program;
- 三晶现象 {化} trimorphism;
- 三氯氧钒 {无化} vanadium oxytrichloride;
- 三点联[连]接 three-point attachment; three-point bond;
- 三线螺纹 {设计} triple thread;
- 三联起网机 triplex net-winch;
- 三裂兰 nodding cap; nodding pogonia;
- 三见六面
- 三角排列图 cam chart;
- 三足闩涮 tripodand
- 三轴参照系 triaxial reference system;
- 上下通气