一溜儿一溜儿[yī liùr]1.■[方]
常用词组1.■ (一排) row:一溜儿房屋a row of houses2.■ (附近一带) neighbourhood; vicinity:邮局就在那一溜儿。The post office is somewhere around there.
- 一级火箭 one-stage rocket;
- 丁香
- 七十二候
- 万向接头 universal joint body; cardan joint; cardan; gimbal suspension; gymbal;
- 三叶虫纲 Trilobita;
- 三尾鱼
- 三相交流电源 three-phase alternating-current supply;
- 三线系留 {航空} three-wire mooring;
- 三脚架
- 三角形密封圈 delta-ring;
- 上寒武统
- 上投侧 upcast side;
- 上正则表示
- 上眼睑
- 上级经济机关 economic units at the higher levels;
- 上腹甲
- 上进心
- 上限值 higher limit
- 下偏差
- 下榻
- 下达