一死百了一死百了[yī sǐ bǎi liǎo]1.■Death squares all accounts.; Death pays all scores [debts].; Death quits all scores.; One that dies pays all debts.
- 一招鲜, 吃遍天
- 一石二鸟
- 一等兵员后备 deep standby;
- 一致有界原理 principle of uniform boundness;
- 万能联合冲剪机 universal combined punching and shearing machine;
- 三伏
- 三寸金莲
- 三层板 three ply board;
- 三废利用
- 三氯乙烷 {有化} trichloroethane; Aerothene TT; chlorothene Nu;
- 三氯氧化磷 phosphorous oxychloride;
- 三相电压 three-phase voltage;
- 三维模拟计算机 three-dimensional analog computer;
- 三维流动 three-dimensional flow; flow in three dimensions;
- 三联抗原 triple antigen;
- 三裂茄素 solapalmitine;
- 三角形分布 triangular distribution;
- 三路
- 三轮载货汽车 tri-truck
- 三面体棱镜 trihedral prism
- 上下文说明 contextual declaration;