一次击穿 {半} first breakdown;
- 一曲凯歌
- 丁子香酸 clovenic acid;
- 万能电视摄像机 all-in-one camera;
- 三亲六眷
- 三十
- 三棱镜摄谱仪 three-prism spectrograph
- 三次样条 (函数) cubic spline
- 三老五更
- 三联炼钢法 triplex process;
- 三色碳溴法 {摄} carbro process;
- 三行区穿孔 over-punching; {自} zone punch;
- 三角尖锉 knife gin saw file;
- 三角形布条 gore;
- 三角洲粘土 prodelta clay;
- 三角锁 {测} triangulation chain;
- 三重线 triplet;
- 上下文编缉 context editing;
- 上下配穴 {中医} coordination of the acupoints of the upper with those of the lower, superior-inferior point association;
- 上光版 ferrotype plate; ferrotype tin;
- 上升盘 {地} upthrown block;
- 上坡牵引车 barney; bullfrog; donkey; groundhog; larry; mule; ram; truck;