一模一样一模一样[yī mó yí yàng]1.■as like as two peas; be exactly alike; be exactly of the right size and shape; cast in the same mould; exactly similar; in facsimile; match each other as if cut from the same piece of cloth; not a fraction of difference (between); striking resemblances (between):她长得跟她母亲一模一样。She is the image of her mother.
- 䀢
- 一团漆黑
- 一家同心, 粪土成金
- 一排板桩 sheetpiling;
- 一片孝心
- 一级鱼露 {越} nuoc-nhut;
- 万向联轴节[器] universal coupling;
- 万向节压力润滑器 universal-joint pressure lubricator;
- 万圣节酸樱桃
- 万能电桥 universal bridge;
- 万能铣镗机床 universal milling and boring machines;
- 三分吃药,七分靠养
- 三基色原理 principle of three primary colours
- 三相交流电源 three-phase alternating-current supply;
- 三相半波可控整流器 three-phase half wave controllable rectifier;
- 三端测量 three-terminal measurement;
- 三线(式)发电机 three-wire generator; Dobrowolsky generator;
- 三胺嗪 tretamine; triethylene melamine(TEM)
- 三色苋 tampala;
- 三街六巷
- 三角定规 plain triangle;