一板一眼一板一眼[yī bǎn yì yǎn]1.■every rhythm (in music or singing); be methodical in speech or action; following a prescribed [given] pattern in speech [action]; in good order and well arranged; in regular sequence; one accented beat and one unaccented beat in a bar; scrupulous and methodical; very careful of rules
- 一把慧剑斩情丝
- 一次射击 a round;
- 一片恐怖
- 一盘文件带 file reel;
- 一笑千金
- 一群种马 a harras;
- 一视同仁
- 一览无遗
- 七进数
- 三个部分
- 三井
- 三倍字长工作 {自} triple-length working
- 三岁羊 thrinter
- 三度烧伤 third-degree burn;
- 三次倍频器 triductor;
- 三相
- 三相全波恒压整流器 three-phase full wave constant voltage rectifier;
- 三类物资贸易中心 trade-centre for third-category commodities
- 三级泵 triplex pump;
- 三脚桌
- 三色叠加镜 photochromoscope;