一时一刻一时一刻[yī shí yí kè]1.■(not to stop) for a single second; for a single moment:一时一刻也不要脱离群众。Never for a single moment cut yourself off from the masses.
- 一滩
- 一致凸赋范空间 uniformly convex normed space;
- 一语击中
- 丁香
- 万布罗风
- 万方
- 万能吸附剂 all-round adsorbent;
- 万能溶剂 alembroth;
- 万能磨床 universal grinding machine;
- 三元关系 ternary relation;
- 三向应力 three-dimensional stress;
- 三星凸轮 cloverleaf cam
- 三次曲面 cubic surface;
- 三相七线制 three-phase seven-wire system;
- 三硫二丙氨酸 thiocystine;
- 三维结构 three-dimensional structure;
- 三臂分度器 three-arm protractor;
- 三角形网络 {电} delta network;
- 三轴座架 three-axis mount
- 三重退火 triple annealing;
- 三项分布 {统} trinomial distribution;