

about¹ / əˈbaut ; əˈbaʊt /
1. concerning or relating to a particular subject
• 关于:
 »a book about politics
 »She said something about leaving town.
 »He lied about his age.
 »About that car of yours. How much are you setting it for?
 »What's he on about (=talking about) ?
 »It's about Tommy, doctor. He's been sick again.
 »Naturally, my mother wanted to knowall aboutit (=all the details relating to it) .
2. used to show why someone is angry, happy, upset etc
• 因为〔用以表明生气、开心、烦恼等的原因〕:
 »I'm really worried about Jack.
 »She's upset about missing the party.
3. in many different directions within a particular place, or in different parts of a place
• 到处;
【SYN】 around , round
 »We spent the whole afternoon walking about town.
 »Books were scattered about the room.
4. in the nature or character of a person or thing
• 在…(身)上〔指性格或特点〕:
 »There's somethingreally strangeaboutLiza.
 »What I like aboutthe job is that it's never boring.
5. what / how about sb / sth [spoken]
a. used to ask a question that directs attention to another person or thing
• 某人/某物怎么样(怎么办)〔用以将注意力转向另一人或另一物〕:
 »What about Jack? We can't just leave him here.
  杰克怎么办? 我们不能把他丢在这里不管。
 »I'm feeling hungry. How about you?
b. used to make a suggestion
• 某人/某事物怎么样(好吗)〔用以提建议〕:
 »How about a salad for lunch?
6. do something about sth, to do something to solve a problem or stop a bad situation
• 想办法解决某个问题,处理某坏情况:
 »If we don't do something about it, the problem is going to get worse.
 »What can be done about the rising levels of pollution?
7. if an organization, a job, an activity etc is about something, that is its basic purpose
• 目的是:
 »Leadership isall aboutgetting your team to co-operate.
8. while you're about it, [spoken] used to tell someone to do something while they are doing something else because it would be easier to do both things at the same time
• 顺便:
 »Go and see what's the matter, and while you're about it you can fetch me my sweater.
9. what was all that about?, [spoken] used to ask the reason for something that has just happened, especially someone's angry behaviour
• 这究竟怎么回事?
10. [literary] surrounding a person or thing
• 围绕〔某人或某事〕:
 »Jo sensed fear and jealousy all about her.
--› see be quick about it at QUICK ¹ (5)
--› see go about your business at BUSINESS (12)
1. also round about [spoken] a little more or less than a particular number, amount, or size
• 大约,大概;
【SYN】 roughly
 »I live about 10 miles away.
 »a tiny computer about as big as a postcard
 »We left the restaurant at round about 10.30.
2. [BrE] in many different directions within a place or in different parts of a place
• 到处,处处;
【SYN】 around
 »People were rushing about, trying to find the driver.
 »Cushions were scattered about on the chairs.
3. near to you or in the same place as you
• 在附近,在…周围; 在同一地方:
 »Is Derrick about? There's a phone call for him.
  德里克在吗? 有电话找他。
 »Quick! Let's go while there's no-one about.
  快点儿! 趁没有人在我们赶紧走。
4. [BrE spoken] existing or available now
• 有:
 »I hope she hasn't caught flu.There's a lot of it about.
 »She might get temporary work, but there's not much about.
5. [informal] almost or probably
• 几乎:
 »I was about ready to leave when somebody rang the doorbell.
 »'Have you finished?' 'Just about.'
 »It'sjust aboutthe worst mistake anyone could make.
6. that's about it / all [spoken]
a. used to tell someone that you have told them everything you know
• 知道的都说了:
 »He was a quiet chap, married with kids. That's about it, really.
  他话不多,已婚,有孩子。 大概就是这样。
b. used to say that there is nothing else available
• 这就是全部,就这些:
 »There's some cheese in the fridge and that's about it.
7. so as to face in the opposite direction
• 向相反方向,转身,掉头:
 »He quickly turned about and walked away.
1. be about to do sth, if someone is about to do something, or if something is about to happen, they will do it or it will happen very soon
• 即将(马上)做某事:
 »We were just about to leave when Jerry arrived.
 »Work was about to start on a new factory building.
2. not be about to do sth, [informal] used to emphasize that you have no intention of doing something
• 不打算做某事〔用于强调〕:
 »I've never smoked in my life and I'm not about to start now.
--› see out and about at OUT ¹ (3)
--› see be up and about at UP ¹ (11)

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