

alert¹ / əˈlɚt ; əˈlɜ:t /
1. giving all your attention to what is happening, being said etc
• 警惕的,警觉的:
 »The animal raised its head, suddenly alert.
 »Taking notes is one of the best ways tostay alertin lectures.
2. able to think quickly and clearly
• 机警的,机敏的:
 »Jack was asmentally alertas a man half his age.
3. be alert to sth, to know about or understand something, especially a possible danger or problem
• 警觉某事:
 »The authorities should have beenalert to the possibilityof invasion.
alertnessnoun [U]
verb [T]
1. to officially warn someone about a problem or danger so that they are ready to deal with it
• 使警觉; 向…发出警报:
 »The school immediatelyalerted the police.
2. to make someone realize something important or dangerous
• 提醒,引起〔某人〕重视:
 »alert sb to sth
 »campaigns to alert the public to the dangers of HIV
1. [C] a warning to be ready for possible danger
• 警报:
 »a bomb / fire / terrorist etc alert
 »a full-scale flood alert
 »The bomb alert was raised soon after midnight.
--› see RED ALERT
2. on (the) alert (for sth / sb), ready to notice and deal with a situation or problem
• (对某事物/某人)保持警惕:
 »Be on the alertfor anyone acting suspiciously.
 »Troops in the vicinity wereput on alert.
on full alert also on high alert (=completely ready to deal with a dangerous situation) 全面戒备
 »All our border points are on full alert.

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