ag∙gre∙gate¹ / ˈægrɪgɪt ; ˈægrɪgət /
◙noun [formal]
1. [C] the total after a lot of different figures or points have been added together
• 总数,合计:
▪ [+of]
»The smaller minorities got an aggregate of 1,327 votes.
较小的少数党总共获得 1327 张选票。
»In the aggregate(=as a group or in total), women outlive men by 7 or more years.
总体来看,女性比男性多活 7 年以上。
»on aggregate [BrE] ( =when the points from two football games are added together )
»Manchester United won 2-1 on aggregate.
曼联队以 2 比 1 的总比分获胜。
2. [sing., U] [technical] sand or small stones that are used in making CONCRETE
• 〔用于制成混凝土的〕粒料,骨料
◙adj [only before noun] [technical]
1. being the total amount of something after all the figures or points have been added together
• 总计的:
»an increase in the aggregate production
ag∙gre∙gate³ / ˈægrɪˌget ; ˈægrɪgeɪt /
◙verb [formal]
1. [linking verb] to be a particular amount when added together
• 总计达到,合计为:
»Sheila's earnings from all sources aggregated £100,000.
希拉的所有收入总计为 10 万英镑。
2. [I,T usually passive] to put different amounts, pieces of information etc together to form a group or a total
• (使)聚集,收集:
▪ [+with]
»A wife's income is no longer aggregated with that of her husband.
♦aggregation / ˌægrɪˈgeʃən ; ˌægrɪˈgeɪʃən /noun [U]