

age¹ / edʒ ; eɪdʒ /
1. HOW OLD 年龄; 年代, [C,U] the number of years someone has lived or something has existed
• 年龄; 存在时间:
 »Francis is the same age as me.
 »Experts disagree over the age of the drawings.
 »Dad retiredat the age of56.
  爸爸 56 岁退休。
 »at age 5 / 18 etc
 »In Britain, schooling starts at age 5.
  在英国入学年龄是 5 岁。
 »4 / 15 etc years of age (=4, 15 etc years old) 4 岁 / 15 岁等
 »She was just over 16 years of age.
  她刚过 16 岁。
 »at my / your etc age ( = when you are as old as me etc )
 »At my age, it's quite difficult getting up stairs.
 »at / from an early age ( = at or from the time when someone is very young )
  很年轻的时候; 很小的时候
 »girls who become mothers at an early age
 »over / under the age of 5 / 18 etc
 »people over the age of 65
  65 岁以上的人
 »of his / her etc own age ( = of the same age as him, her etc )
 »Kids need friends of their own age to play with.
 »for his / her etc age ( = compared with other people of the same age )
 »She's tall for her age, isn't she?
 »act your age ( = behave in a way that is suitable for how old you are )
 »It's time you started acting your age, Jeff.
 »My motherreached the age of90 (=lived until she was 90) .
  母亲活到了 90 岁。
 »childrenranging in agefrom 6 to 17
  6 至 17 岁的孩子
2. LEGAL AGE 法定年龄, [U] the age when you are legally old enough to do something
• 法定年龄:
 »What'sthe minimum agefor getting a driver's license?
 »You're not allowed to buy alcohol. You'reunder age(=too young by law) .
 »retirement / pension age ( = when you are old enough to stop working or receive a pension )
 »the normal retirement age of 65
  65 岁正常的退休年龄
3. PERIOD OF LIFE 人生中的阶段, [C,U] one of the particular periods of someone's life
• 年龄段;
--› old age , middle age , teenage :
 »women of childbearing age
 »a difficult / awkward age
 »The early teens are often a difficult age.
  10 岁出头往往是个麻烦的年龄。
4. BEING OLD 年老; 陈旧, [U] the state of being old
• 年老; 陈旧:
 »with age
 »High blood pressure increases with age.
 »Some of the furniture wasshowingsigns ofage.
5. PERIOD OF HISTORY 历史阶段, [C usually singular] a particular period of history
• 时代,世代:
 »We are living in the age of technology.
 »Molecular biology is pushing medicine into anew age.
 »the computer / industrial / nuclear etc age
--› see in this day and age at DAY (6)
6. ages, [pl.] also an age [informal especially BrE] a long time
• 长时间:
 »Simon! I haven't seen youfor ages.
 »That recipetakes ages.
 »it's ages since / before / until etc sthIt's ages since we've played that game.
7. come of age
a. to reach the age when you are legally considered to be a responsible adult
• 到达法定年龄; 成年
b. if something comes of age, it reaches a stage of development at which people accept it as being important, valuable etc
• 到达成熟时期:
 »During this period the movies really came of age as an art form.
--› see NEW AGE ¹ , NEW AGE ²
verb (present participle agingor ageing)
1. to start looking older or to make someone or something look older
• (使)变老:
 »He was worried to see how much she'd aged.
 »The experience had aged him in advance of his years.
2. [I] to become older
• 老化,变陈旧:
 »The buildings are ageing, and some are unsafe.
3. [I,T] to improve and develop in taste over a period of time, or to allow food or alcohol to do this
• (使)成熟,(使)味道变醇厚:
 »Cheddar cheese ages well.
 »The whisky is aged for at least ten years.

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