

advance¹ / ədˈvæns ; ədˈvɑ:ns /
1. in advance (of sth), before something happens or is expected to happen
• 预先,提前; 在某事发生之前:
 »I shouldwarnyouin advancethat I'm not a very good dancer.
 »Many thanks, in advance, for your help.
 »six months / a year etc in advance
 »Book tickets 21 days in advance.
  请提前 21 天订票。
 »Could you distribute copieswell in advanceof the meeting?
2. be in advance of sb / sth, to be more developed or modern than someone or something else
• 超前于某人/某物; 比某事物先进:
 »Their aircraft were in advance of those used by the US.
3. DEVELOPMENT / IMPROVEMENT 发展/改进, [C] a change, discovery, or invention that brings progress
• 进步,进展:
 »technological / scientific / medical etc advance
 »one of the great technological advances of the 20th century 20
 »a major advance
▪ [+in]
 »Recent advances in genetics have raised moral questions.
▪ [+on]
 »an advance on previous treatments
 »theadvances madein the understanding of mental handicap
4. FORWARD MOVEMENT 向前的移动, [C] forward movement or progress of a group of people – used especially to talk about soldiers
• 前进,推进〔尤指士兵〕:
▪ [+on]
 »the enemy's advance on St. Petersburg
5. MONEY 金钱, [C usually singular] money paid to someone before the usual time, especially someone's salary
• 预付款:
 »a $500 advance 500
▪ [+on]
 »Krebs decided to ask for an advance on his salary.
6. advances, [pl.] [formal] an attempt to start a sexual relationship with someone
• 〔对异性的〕挑逗,勾引:
 »She accused her boss ofmaking advances toher.
 »The witness said that he 'went berserk' when she rejected hissexual advances.
7. INCREASE 增加, [C] an increase in the price or value of something – used especially to talk about the stock EXCHANGE
• 上涨,攀升〔尤用于指证券的价格或价值〕
1. MOVE FORWARD 向前移动, [I] to move towards someone or something, especially in a slow and determined way – used especially to talk about soldiers
• 前进,推进〔尤指士兵〕:
 »A line of US tanks slowly advanced.
▪ [+on]
 »Troops advanced on the rebel stronghold (=moved towards it in order to attack it).
▪ [+across / through / towards]
 »The army advanced across the plain.
2. DEVELOP 发展, [I,T] if scientific or technical knowledge advances, or if something advances it, it develops and improves
• (使)进展:
 »Our understanding of human genetics has advanced considerably.
 »The group's research has done much to advance our knowledge of the HIV virus.
3. MONEY 金钱, [T] to give someone money before they have earned it
• 预支:
 »advance sb sth
 »Will they advance you some money until you get your first paycheck?
 »advance sth to sb
 »I advanced $1,500 to Kramer last Thursday.
  上星期四,我预支给克雷默 1500 美元。
4. advance your career / a cause / your interests etc, to do something that will help you achieve an advantage or success for yourself or someone else
• 促进职业/事业/兴趣等的发展:
 »Jameson agreed to the deal in an effort to advance his political career.
5. PRICE 价格, [I] if the price or value of something advances, it increases – used especially when talking about the stock exchange
• 〔价格、价值〕上涨〔尤用于指证券交易〕
6. TIME / DATE 时间/日期, [T] [formal] to change the time or date when an event should happen to an earlier time or date
• 提前:
 »The meeting has been advanced to ten o'clock.
  会议提前到 10 点钟。
7. MACHINE 机器, [I,T] [formal] if you advance a film, clock, musical recording etc, or if it advances, it goes forward
• (使)〔电影、钟表、唱片等〕向前移动
1. advance planning / warning / booking etc, planning etc that is done before an event
• 预先计划/警告/订购等:
 »We received no advance warning of the storm.
2. advance party / team, a group of people who go first to a place where something will happen to prepare for it
• 〔提前到某地为活动作准备的〕先遣队,先遣人员
3. advance copy, a copy of a book, record etc that has not yet been made available to the public
• 〔书的〕样本;〔唱片的〕样片

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