

address¹ / əˈdrɛs ; əˈdres /
1. [C] the details of the place where someone lives or works, that you use to send them letters, emails etc
• 地址:
 »Please write yourname and addresson a postcard.
 »What's your new address?
 »I can give you the address of a good attorney.
 »home / private / website etc address
 »My email address is on my business card.
 »Please notify us of anychange of address.
 »I can't find myaddress book(=a book or place on a computer where you keep a list of people's addresses) .
 »a 25-year-old manof no fixed address(=no permanent home)
  一名无固定住址的 25 岁男子
2. [C] a formal speech that someone makes to a group of people
• 演讲,演说:
▪ [+to]
 »an address to the European parliament
 »presidential / inaugural etc address
 »The new Presidentdeliveredhis inauguraladdressin Creole.
3. form / mode / style of address, the correct title or name that you should use when speaking or writing to someone
• 称呼方式
address² / əˈdrɛs ; əˈdres /
verb [T]
1. if you address an envelope, package etc, you write on it the name and address of the person you are sending it to
• 在〔信封、包裹等〕上写姓名和地址:
 »address sth to sb
 »That letter was addressed to me.
 »Send astamped, self-addressed envelope(=with your address on it so it can be sent back to you) .
2. [formal] if you address a problem, you start trying to solve it
• (着手)解决,处理〔问题〕:
 »address a problem / question / issue etc
 »Our products address the needs of real users.
 »address yourself to sth
 »Marlowe now addressed himself to the task of searching the room.
3. [formal] to speak to someone directly
• 向…讲话:
 »She turned to address the man on her left.
4. [formal] if you address remarks, complaints etc to someone, you say or write them directly to that person
• 〔向某人〕提出〔陈述、投诉等〕:
 »You will have to address your comments to our Head Office.
5. to make a formal speech to a large group of people
• 对…发表演说:
 »address a meeting / conference etc
 »He addressed an audience of 10,000 supporters.
6. to use a particular title or name when speaking or writing to someone
• 称呼:
 »address sb as sth
 »The president should be addressed as 'Mr. President'.

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