acknowledgement, acknowledgment
acknowledgement, acknowledgment
ac∙knowl∙edge∙ment, acknowledgment / əkˈnɑlɪdʒmənt ; əkˈnɔlɪdʒmənt /
1. [C,U] the act of admitting or accepting that something is true
• 承认:
▪ [+of]
»We want an acknowledgement of the existence of the problem.
»acknowledgement that
»The reduction in their grant is an acknowledgement that they have been paid too much.
2. [sing.] a movement of your body that shows that you have noticed someone or heard what they have said
• 打招呼:
»Basil nodded an acknowledgement as he entered the room.
»He gave her a faint smile of acknowledgement.
3. [C,U] the act of publicly thanking someone for something they have done
• 〔公开的〕感谢:
»in acknowledgement of sth
»She received a special award in acknowledgement of all her hard work.
4. [C,U] a letter written to tell someone that you have received their letter, message etc
• 收悉通知,收件复函:
»Do you want a written acknowledgement?
5. acknowledgements, [pl.] a short piece of writing at the beginning or end of a book in which the writer thanks all the people who have helped him or her
• 〔作者在卷首或卷末的〕致谢