

bang¹ / bæŋ ; bæŋ /
1. [C] a sudden loud noise caused by something such as a gun or an object hitting a hard surface
• 砰,啪〔枪声或撞到硬物的声音〕:
 »There was a loud bang outside the kitchen door.
2. [C] a painful blow to the body when you hit against something or something hits you
• 猛击,猛撞,重打;
【SYN】 bump
 »a bang on the head
3. bangs, [pl.] [AmE] hair cut straight across your forehead
• 刘海;
【SYN】 fringe [BrE]
4. with a bang, in a very successful way
• 极为成功,大受欢迎:
 »Stock markets started the year with a bang.
5. (get) a bigger / better etc bang for your buck, [informal] something that gives you a good effect or a lot of value for the effort or money you spend on it
• 〔从自己投入的努力或金钱中〕得到好处:
 »Are taxpayers getting enough bang for their buck?
6. get a bang out of sth, [AmE spoken] to enjoy something very much
• 从某事中得到乐趣
1. [I,T] to hit something hard, making a loud noise
• 猛敲; 砰然重击:
▪ [+on]
 »Stop banging on the door!
 »bang your fist / hand on sth
 »She banged her fist on the table.
2. [T] to put something down or against something with a lot of force, making a loud noise
• 猛摔:
 »bang sth down
 »She banged the phone down.
 »bang sth on / against sth
 »He banged a teapot on the table.
3. [I always + adv / prep, T] to close something violently, making a loud noise, or to be closed in this way
• 很响地使劲关上;
【SYN】 slam
 »I ran out, banging the door behind me.
 »The windowbanged shut.
4. [T] to hit a part of your body or something you are carrying against something, by accident
• 〔意外地〕撞击;
【SYN】 bump
 »bang sth on sth
 »I fell and banged my head on the pavement.
5. [I] to make a loud noise or noises
• 砰砰作响:
 »The gate keeps banging in the wind.
6. [T] [not polite] to have sex with someone
• 与〔某人〕发生性关系
--› see bang the drum for sb / sth at DRUM ¹ (4)
--› see bang sb's heads together at HEAD ¹ (32)
--› see be (like) banging your head against a brick wall at HEAD ¹ (31)
bang about / around
• to move around a place, making a lot of noise
• 咚咚地跑来跑去:
 »We could hear them banging about upstairs.
bang on
[BrE informal] to talk continuously about something in a boring way
• 罗嗦个没完;
【SYN】 go on
▪ [+about]
 »I wish he wouldn't keep banging on about politics.
bang sth∽out [informal]
1. to play a tune or song loudly and badly on a piano
• 〔在钢琴上〕使劲乱敲地弹奏〔乐曲或歌曲〕
2. to write something in a hurry, especially using a keyboard
• 〔尤指在打字机上〕匆忙赶写,匆匆地打出来
bang sb / sth∽up [informal]
1. [BrE] to put someone in prison
• 把…关押起来,监禁
2. [AmE] to seriously damage something
• 使…严重受损:
 »a banged-up old Buick

1. [informal] directly or exactly
• 直接地; 准确地; 正巧,恰恰:
 »The train arrivedbang on time.
 »The technology isbang up to date.
2. bang on, [BrE spoken] exactly correct
• 完全正确:
 »'Is that right?' 'Bang on!'
3. bang goes sth, [BrE spoken] used to show that you are unhappy because something you had hoped for will not happen
• 某事完蛋了,某事告吹了〔表示因期待的某事不会发生而不开心〕:
 »Bang goes my brilliant plan.
4. [spoken] in a sudden violent way
• 突然,猛然:
 »I skidded and went bang into the wall.
5. go bang, [informal] to explode or burst with a loud noise
• 砰的一声爆炸(爆裂)
1. used to make a sound like a gun or bomb
• 砰〔用作模仿枪声或炸弹的声响〕:
 »Bang bang, you're dead!
  砰,砰 — 你死了!

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